We increase Finland's well-being
We support sustainable development goals in customer operations and in society at large through corporate social responsibility. We also want to promote Finland's well-being as a major tax and dividend payer.
According to Finland's government programme, all state-owned companies must base their operations on corporate social responsibility. We take the financial, social and environmental impacts of our operations into account in our decision-making. As a company, we are committed to the Finnish Government’s ambitious objectives for cutting emissions, according to which Finland will be carbon-neutral by 2035 and carbon-negative soon after.
Our responsibility efforts are also based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, of which we have identified the six most central to us. They are related to the climate efforts and sustainable cities and communities. Central matters also include the objectives for worthwhile work and economic growth, cooperation and partnership and decreasing inequality. We are also investing in sustainable industry, innovation and infrastructure.
As an active developer of public transport and logistics, VR Group has aimed to present its views or developing a sustainable, functional and safe traffic system. Modernising the railway network reduces emission and supports the competitiveness of businesses.
We adhere to our Code of Conduct that includes anti-corruption guidelines.
In procurement, we cooperate with innovative, competitive and sustainable suppliers. We operate in accordance with laws and good business practices, in an ethically acceptable manner. We also require this from our suppliers.