Chemical industry services
We provide transport of dangerous goods accepted for rail transport in accordance with official requirements in the regulations of the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency.
We customise a suitable transport solution based on the customer’s needs
Domestic transports for the chemical industry are based on a joint transport system developed with the customers, in which the efficiency of the entire transport chain is optimised from loading to unloading. Our professional employees take care of traffic 24/7/365.
The condition of the rolling stock and the safety of transport are monitored at each station and by electronic monitoring equipment between stations. Our wagon fleet is developed based on customer needs.
We offer our customers both electronic interfaces and web-based apps from transport orders to waybills and the tracking of transport and wagon orders.

Rail logistics services
The most common form of transport in the chemical industry is pendulum traffic, with the wagons designated for the said traffic circulating very efficiently as full train transports between specific departure and destination stations.
Customer Train
A solution suited for transporting large and predictable shipments, with the full capacity of the train available to the customer. If necessary, the train composition, i.e. the number of wagons, can be adapted to meet transport needs.
Wagon group
A transport solution suitable for transporting smaller shipments. Wagon group transport is carried out by trains in accordance with our trunk train offering. The fact that wagon group transports can be ordered separately for each shipment increases its flexibility. The train composition of trunk trains is comprised of several customers’ wagons.
Products transported by the chemical industry include:
- liquid chemicals
- fuels
- fertilisers