Loading instructions
Appropriate loading and compliance with loading instructions play a key role in freight traffic transports because correct loading has effects on the smoothness of traffic, improves transport safety and prevents accidents in rail traffic. Furthermore, a wagon that has been loaded incorrectly cannot be used for transport, which will then have a cascade effect on other traffic.
Comply with the loading instructions and pay attention to the following in railway transport:
- The customer is always responsible for loading. Before loading the goods into a wagon, the customer must inspect the wagon to ensure it is fit to be loaded.The customer is always responsible for loading. Before loading the goods into a wagon, the customer must inspect the wagon to ensure it is fit to be loaded.
- Secure the load carefully. If any movement of the load could result in the goods or wagon breaking down, the loading gauge being exceeded, the unevenness of the loading exceeding the maximum allowed limits or, in the worst case, the goods falling off the wagon, the load must be placed and, if necessary, braced and secured so that it cannot move from its loading position during the transport.
- The stress that normally occurs during railway transport, such as when the train is running, in shunting work, in inclines for train sorting, during deceleration and wagons swaying must be taken into account when bracing and securing the load.
- Correct loading prevents accidents that incorrect loading could cause to the wagons and goods during transport.
Domestic rail transport loading instructions
As a contractual customer, you can ask your contact person for general and type-specific loading instructions.
Retrieval of derailed wagons
After the wagon has derailed on a customer track or a Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency track, contact the yard control, which will initiate the necessary measures to retrieve the rolling stock back on the tracks. Under no circumstances should the wagon be lifted back onto the track by itself and without the permission of an expert familiar with the equipment in question.